Tuesday, 3 June 2014

My dear desolate land

A cup of hot chocolate,
Two sugars and the latest copy of the dailies,
Am all set for this.
A few pages down, I love my hot chocolate,
Sip sip my cup is halfway down,
I flip over and there’s this story, “Old and still in love”,
My mind wonders away,
To a land now so desolate,
Once lovely and lively,
Now lies bare earth and shrubs,
This land remains untilled for some time now,
Though my land, I wish not till it,
I once did but bore no fruit,
I will not, I wish not to till it,
I have since found other grounds to till,
I leave this bare,
It brings me turmoil
Once dear, now bare
It has rejected my efforts to make it bring fruit,
I rest my case, I will toil not anymore,
My doleful heart finds pleasure in a new land,
They’ve tilled their land till old age,
Mine young fertile land lies bare,
I find no strength to till it,
Grace be upon me,
Let I find fruit in my new land.

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