Friday, 8 August 2014

This life we've known

How today rises is not as tomorrow will,
Though sun shines for all,
It’s not the same for all.

This life,
I will sing a song,
My heart is intrigued,
A song will do.

What cry goes unanswered?
What course is without a purpose?

In this life,this world we've known.

Vanity!! the wise man said,
All is vanity, a chase after the wind,
What then is life?

What is man that life has found him?
That he’s seen the good and evil of the day,
While day’s trouble will come,
He finds pleasure still, in his troubled days.

While no one knows the day to come,
All awake to meet it anyway,
Though it may hit hard,
We rise again and prepare for the next.

This life we've known,
This world we know,
The good exist and so does the bad,
None is flawless,
None is complete,
This world we know,

This life we've known.

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