Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Set the heart on things above

             ***My Joy is in the Lord above***

There is not a greater advantage a mortal man on earth can have than when they have a backing of an immortal power. Say, having the author of destinies lead your path to destiny. It’s like having your parent set the national exam which you are to sit for. It couldn’t get any better right?

Now,the bible urges us to set our eyes/hope on things above; hope in things unseen; to have heaven as our bank and not here where treasures are prone to moths and other destroyers. Setting our hearts on things above...

Colossians 3:1-2 -Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Someone once told me, the difference between joy and happiness,-other than the spelling-is that, happiness is dependent on things that can be seen and touched. Joy on the other hand however, is depended and based on things unseen.

The Lord in His word most often talks of joy. This is what He gives us when our happiness is shaken. When that which brought happiness to our hearts is taken away and that happiness is gone, a heart without gladness is left. The Lord thus gives joy which in turn strengthens up the heart to live again.”The joy of the Lord is my strength”.

A few days ago, something happened in my life. Something that erased quite a piece of happiness from me for some days. I would have gone to extremes of depression and making crazy and hasty decisions BUT I thank God for His joy that quickly found rest in my heart and empowered it to find peace and live on.(This is the advantage of having God as your father you see.He's always near to comfort and empower His own). 

As I write this, I can confidently proclaim that the joy of the Lord is my strength. It is the reason I wake up to face the day after the incident.

When all that brings you happiness is gone, only the joy from the Lord can comfort such a heart. Like the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, the joy of the Lord goes beyond any description.

Whereas we find happiness in what we have, let us above all tap joy from heaven. Take delight in the Lord, for only He remains when all else is gone. Let the joy of the Lord excite your heart more than happiness does-it is a joy everlasting that we have in the Lord.

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