Wednesday, 6 June 2012

How you look at it from your eyes...

You think so? Well, it depends with how you look at it. You think it’s good? Well, that’s you looking at it from your eyes.

Realize how different we are though we all human. Different people will look at the same thing yet give different versions of it. Take for example a glass with water half way. One will see a glass half-full while the other will see a glass half empty. They are all right but it’s interesting how different they view it. I call it taking pictures from different angles!!

Note, I don’t disapprove of diversity of views, rather I appreciate it. It makes one look at things all around and not just from one side. This is helpful especially when dealing with a given situation that affects more than just you. Though not all views may be right, atleast you get something out of them.

I think how we see things we look at is determined by some factors. Take for example gender. Picture this-a billboard besides the road advertising some body lotion and besides the lotion is beautiful lady. What a guy will see on the board is totally different from what a girl will see. Not that the girl is jealous of the beautiful girl in the ad but then the product being advertised will get much of the attention. Some critics of course will follow of the ad girl-she too dark, that smile isn’t so good…and so on. The guy on the other side dint even notice the body lotion which is the reason for the ad in the first place. His eyes are quick to rush over the product only to get stuck on the pretty ad girl. It must be the hair, the skin, the outfit or rather the beauty that gets his attention. This can result to some differences somewhere…

According to my religion, it’s wrong to do something say like, worshiping an idle. In some others, it’s not wrong. They do it and believe it’s the right thing to do. Either parties think that the others are wrong and mistaken in what they do or believe. They sin!

Further in religion, it depends with what corner or Christianity you stand. For the Protestants, they believe in the Holy Spirit while the Catholics don’t. The Catholics think you are nuts when you speak in tongues whereas the protestants will appreciate if they could do the same.

If we were to be judged by what we believe, different judgments would be ruled out for the different parties or say followers.

When it comes to cultures and traditions, different people do things differently. I tend to think that this is the other most influential thing to men besides religion. Some meals/foods we eat are as a result of the culture we were brought up in. Every tribe-with its own unique culture, has a specific type of food they are associated with. Githeri for the Kikuyu, Fish for the Luo, muthokoi for the Kamba and so on.

You will dress in a skin and not leaves depending with your culture. The piercing of the body also differs from tribe to tribe.

Traditions to some extent dictate also our believes. One will believe in Ngai as their source while another believes that they erupted from a mans knee. It all depends with what your culture brought down from the fore fathers. A man will marry ten wives because his culture allows while another will marry one.

All these people are in the same world but do things differently depending on what influences the choices they make and how they do what they do. One will ask, where does all this diversity come from now that we all live in the same planet,we’er all human and are under the same bracket of needs-food, shelter and clothing.

Our beliefs somehow come to merge at some point-there is a supernatural being. But still we look at and do things differently. We possibly won’t come an agreement at this life time but at the end of it all, we shall all go back to where we came from and there shall we be accorded our rightful ‘prize’.


  1. Sometimes our beliefs do not merge, but as a person one of the things that helps me gauge all the diverse view point is this one question... what am i becoming?

    1. good one!what am i becoming?-brings along questions like how do i become that?..

  2. A very good piece of article there! However, I wish to throw in a bit of some research I have done as it pertains to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does actually believe in the “Holy Trinity” that is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is in honor of the Holy Spirit that the Catholic Church has special prayers in honor of the Holy Spirit, commonly known as “Novenas”. It also has an order of priest dedicated to the Holy Spirit. What’s more, the Catholics do celebrate (a Feast) the “Pentecost Sunday” every 40 days after Easter. Now even amazing, after the Vatican Council II, the Catholic Church approved the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, (Charismatic in this sense meaning inspired, controlled, ruled etc by the Holy Spirit), with this developments, the talking in tongues, the healing ministry, the evangelism ministry are a common fact amongst the Catholics… Just as an example, find out the Vincetian Prayer House (in Lavington and Thika), where the Catholics and the Protestants do pray together, why? The nature of the service is not any different from that of the Protestants… as a journalist, I wish to challenge you to make a deeper research on the same and you will be amazed !!!

    1. Karanja,i appreciate your highlighted concerns...However,i wish to clarify that the piece was written not really from a journalists point of view...but i take the challenge!
