Tuesday, 10 December 2013

A world beyond the trees and Rocks we know

The spiritual realm

There is a world beyond the one see, a world from where the physical one is dictated from. There’s a place where all that we see and know is dictated from. The world we know is just an outcome of the things that are happening in that other world, the spiritual realm.

This is where things happen first before they get to us. The world where the prince of Persia stands to delay the answers of our prayers. Yes, there is a world beyond what we know and see and its arguably more real there. Things start from there, as the Swahili man put it, ”ukiona vyaelea,jua vimeundwa”.

Spiritual world has been there from the start and it’s probably what we’ll be left after the mortal life is over. Realise we cannot worship the Lord at His actual throne room in blood and flesh. He promises to clothe us in a new ‘wardrobe’ once He comes to take us home. He also seeketh for a people that will worship Him in truth and in spirit.

Even with this knowledge, God still puts us down here and expects us to stay in touch with Him in the heavens. He thus sent the Holy Spirit to facilitate this. Spiritual things are spiritually fathomed, mere mind will have a hard time digesting this and in most cases, it ends in distorted interpretation that ends in untruthful yet arguably ‘true’ theories.

Only the spirit is able to get to the deepest parts in the Lord’s heart/mind and know what is cooking there. We are thus on a good ground to connect with the heavens when standing in the spirit. After all, He is seeking for men who will worship Him in truth and in SPIRIT.

I wish to share with you a testimony on how spiritual world works. I don’t know much but the little I know, I wish to share from my point of experience. I start off with a story that I read somewhere and it read:

A missionary on furlough told this story while visiting his home church in Michigan. "While serving at a small field hospital in Africa, every two weeks I traveled by bicycle through the jungle to a nearby city for supplies. This was a journey of two days and required camping overnight at the halfway point.

On one of these journeys, I arrived in the city where I planned to collect money from a bank, purchase medicine and supplies, and then begin my two-day journey back to the field hospital. Upon arrival in the city, I observed two men fighting, one of whom had been seriously injured. I treated him for his injuries and at the same time talked to him about the Lord.

I then traveled two days, camping overnight, and arrived home without incident.

Two weeks later I repeated my journey. Upon arriving in the city, I was approached by the young man I had treated. He told me that he had known I carried money and medicines. He said, "Some friends and I followed you into the jungle, knowing you would camp overnight. We planned to kill you and take your money and drugs. But just as we were about to move into your camp, we saw that you were surrounded by 26 armed guards. At this I laughed and said that I was certainly all alone in that jungle campsite. The young man pressed the point, however, and said, "No sir, I was not the only person to see the guards. My five friends also saw them, and we all counted them. It was because of those guards that we were afraid and left you alone."

At this point in the sermon, one of the men in the congregation jumped to his feet and interrupted the missionary and asked if he could tell him the exact day this happened. The missionary told the congregation the date, and the man who interrupted told him this story: "On the night of your incident in Africa, it was morning here and I was preparing to go play golf. I was about to putt when I felt the urge to pray for you. In fact, the urging of the Lord was so strong, I called men in this church to meet with me here in the sanctuary to pray for you. Would all of those men who met with me on that day stand up?" The men who had met together to pray that day stood up.

The missionary wasn't concerned with who they were, he was too busy counting how many men he saw. There were 26.


This was the story I read somewhere, now here’s my story:

I at one time in my prayer hour found myself praying and making protection declarations over my dad,i dint understand why but I did it-we won’t/don’t always understand spiritual matters at once but choose to do it anyway. I was to pray for something else-had my prayer list already-but i ended up not praying for it, I doubt I even mentioned it anywhere that evening.

The spirit of God directed me to pray for my dad. Have you ever started a journey knowing the route you ought to take very well but end up taking a totally different one?-It's good to allow the spirit to lead you in prayer, after all, we do not know what to say in the presence of God, but the spirit is able to search the deepest thoughts of our Lord and make them known to us.

It was on a weekday. The following day after a night of prayer for my dad, my mum called me and told me how my dad had been attacked on his way to work but he was ok .They dint hurt him much considering they were 'well armed' to 'finish off their work'. They dint take anything from him and he miraculously escaped with just minor cuts. I call it MIRACULOUS as he too cant -to this day- explain how he managed to escape the 'well' armed gang of about 5 men and how that sharp panga aimed at his head ended up just bruising his arm. Had it gone as the gang intended, my dad would be either dead or critically wounded. But that dint happen, God intended else.

Interestingly enough, earlier that same week, my mum had the same conviction to pray for dad. This she share with me as she told me the news on what had happened. I too told her of how I was ‘distracted’ from praying for what I had planned for the previous night to pray for dad and specifically for his protection.

Some would call it coincidence, others will say its instinct. I will not argue, all I know is there is another world beyond this one where spiritual men meet and dictate things. Not once has me and my mum had the same convictions over the same issue. Not once have we found ourselves praying for the same thing in the same week. It’s no blood relation, its spiritual matters.

I believe in a spiritual realm where the physical things are dictated from, a realm that's more real than what we see, a world I pray to live in all the days of my immortal life.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


The effect of words

Words have from the beginning played an important role in the shaping and defining the world we living in. They not only defined the world we live in now but play a key role in the way we relate everyday.
Genesis Chapter one,God starts the business of creation.He does not get His hands involved until the sixth day when He creates man.Gen1:6-And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters.(7) And God made the firmament…Note-God made the firmament by word of His mouth.
The creation goes on and on with God saying let there be.That's how critical words are!They bring forth a result.Upon utterance,something is expected to happen.Psalm 33: 6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made…(9) For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.

   God appoints Adam to name the creation.Gen2: 19 “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every [wild] beast and living creature of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called every living creature, that was its name.”

Words were used to define every creature and that’s how I know that’s a cow and that’s a rabbit;that’s a horse and that’s a lion.Had he named what we call lion today as a zebra,we would be calling it so.

When building the tower of Babel,these people had one aim,one language and thus it was more likely than not they would achieve what they were aiming at.It got to a point God had to stop this ‘project’ and what did He do?He gave everyman his own language!

They all spoke different languages.The common language was no more.Communication thus became a problem.The goal they had was challenged by language difference and the ‘project’ came to a stand still.It never went on again as everyman went his way.

[Words in your language are used to communicate]

Like other things,words rely on a medium for them to be passed on.The medium here is the “Tongue”. In many cases,we are thus warned of being careful with our tongues.( Psalm 34:13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.)

The words of our tongues will not only tell more about us but will also lead  into something either good or bad.Prov17:20~…one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.We are thus advised to ‘filter’ our words before we let them out through our tongues.Remember,tongues are like a pen.Make it skillful by uttering good words (Prov45:1…my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

James 3:6 talks much on the tongue. He points that “the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell”.

It’s not the actual tongue that is the problem here,but the words that come from it.The tongue is but a vessel to utter words from ones heart and mind.

"Words are the language of our hearts and minds.They define the state of our minds and hearts"

We encourage or discourage,bless or curse,praise or malign with the words of our tongues.The power of words we cannot undermine.We should thus be careful with our choice of words.Choose to use the appropriate words at every situation.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

That man inside

We all work/live from within,
Whatever we seek to fulfill is from within,
Our desires are from within,
Human satisfaction is completed from within,
It’s all with the man within!

To love and to hate is from within,
Strength and weakness are from within,
Pride and humility come from within,
It’s all in the man within!
At the weakest point of the flesh, a hopeful heart keeps one going,
To destroy a man, attack his self esteem,
To empower a generation, cultivate good in them,
A good mannered man is honored, a warm hearted man is a friend to many,
It’s all with the man within!

"A good inside man makes good a whole man"

A heart ache is all the more hurtful,
A disturbed mind is one of man’s worst state of being,
A cheerful heart lives on, a distressed one desires the end,
To please or displease the man inside defines a man’s a state or emotion,
To live and to die is best understood by the man inside,

Erased from the touchable world but lives on in the man within,
Memories are man’s best thought when realism fades away,
Comfort and smiles can be drawn from sweet memories,
The man within stores this!

A man is as strong as the man within,
Weak, happy, disturbed, strong or sad is all to defined by the man inside,
And depicted by the man outside,
That man inside describes your attitude today,
What you like and dislike is defined by that man within,
How you view and argue out matters is told by the man within!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

God graces us to be who we are and not who we are not

 You are who you are and I,who I am.

The world would be one boring place if we were all the same. Like the same things, do the same things, like the same food all of us, same songs, same…everything. This would be one boring world. I tend to consider our differences as God’s way of spicing up the creation. Variety I say is good.

When we differ in opinion that is not a bad thing. It opens room for debate which tests the viability of every opinion and in that process, the best is left on the sieve while the rest goes through.

It’s the difference in our cultures that has made boom the country’s tourism sector-both local and international. I will not pay to go see how Masaai’s dress if I dress like them; how Luhyia’s engage bulls in a fight if we do it in where I come from, no. I will pay to see what I don’t have where I come from.

All this difference is good and fun too I say! It also diversifies one’s point of view and in making decisions or opinions, you have a wider scope of consideration.

Now, back to what I was to talk about. Every quality in a man comes with its special grace. In as much as we may be from the same source-God-human beings differ in many ways both physically and spiritually. If you are a man, you will have sufficient grace to sustain you as a man and to tackle whatever comes your way. Same case applies to a woman. Grace sufficient is given to her to give birth and do whatever else is outlined for her to do as a woman.

The grace given to a woman is not the same given to a man. Some grace will however be given to us by virtue we are human beings.

Some are born with disabilities while others are born okay. For whatever disability you may be born with-considering you did not choose to have it-I trust the Almighty who made you see the light of the sun has put in you sufficient grace to help you live-on with that situation on planet earth where He has also placed people with no disabilities.

How else can you explain a blind man eking a living from photography? I call it grace, grace so amazing! God will not bring you here to suffer the wrath of problems; I trust He will give you enough grace to go through whatever situation that comes your way. If you are blind, there is sufficient grace to walk you through your life on earth.

At times, we have faults on our bodies. Some were born with but others we have gotten them on our walk on earth- God is not unfamiliar with this too. He will not let His own walk alone in the shadow of death nor watch trouble drown them. There is grace sufficient to handle whatever quality/situation brought in our lives.

You will agree with me, you don’t have a problem with your big-bodied size until someone teases or you or comments about it or say you find yourself in company of slim people. You do not have a problem with your height until someone comments about it and then you start thinking about it.

You don’t consider it a fault until it’s challenged.

We hardly have a problem with who we are until we are challenged about it. That explains why you are so confident when alone and so ‘reserved’ in the presence of other people. Some may attribute this to company-we can’t refute that- but I say there’s more to it than just that.

I tend to think that no one had a problem with the way they are until someone/something negatively influenced them. It could be someone spoke badly about your height or size or any other and that is how you got that bad/wrong attitude about yourself now. Originally speaking, you dint even realize it was ‘odd’ until someone said it. It then got to you so hard that you now hate yourself.

The attitudes and understandings we get of ourselves as we live on do not cut shot the grace that God set-forth for us from the beginning. If you consider yourself less than what God created you to be, the grace set out for you remains under used-its only wise to live up to who you ought to be and use it up don’t you think?

No man should be be-littled by a disability or fault they have on them. Why God chose to create a planet for all humans regardless of their physical nature is reason enough for you to feel at home and well able to survive like any other human.

Consider self esteem as God given grace for you to be who you should be.

The thing is, no one is perfect, we are just imperfect in different ways, I falter where you pass and the opposite is also true.

Monday, 18 February 2013


  God decides it’s time to restore mankind back to me. There is a way, the only way for this case. He sends down a part of His own. He had the option of the twenty four elders, the angels and other heavenly creatures but He decides, I will send out my son.

  John 3:16-For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son….

The Lord wills to save mankind, the next thing He does is to give His best. Is man willing to be saved?

Life is ‘programmed’ in a way that some things will never come your way until you will that they come. We call it THE WILL POWER. Just as magnetic unlike poles attract, so does willpower attract some ‘good’ for/in our lives. You are most likely to do so much of what it takes to attain something that you so much desire, in this case that which you will.

Christ walks on to a lame man and when the man asks Him “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”, Jesus tells him ‘“I am willing,”’(Matt.8:2).

The Lord wills to do it for us, question is, are we willing to ask and receive it? Had the man not willed to get healed, he wouldn’t have come forward. It all starts with us. There is a way for those who will- WHERE THERE IS WILL THERE IS WAY!

Salvation shall come to him who hears His word and wills to receive Him in His heart. God will not force salvation upon men. He lets them know His intention-to save them- but leaves it to them to freely/willingly accept it rest man says ‘God you forced me into this’. No matter how right, wise and essential salvation is, it’s up to man’s will to take it in.

WILL is the ‘purchase’ power that man has to attain salvation in his life. You can only will to get saved and then believe in your heart and confess with your mouth-and there you are saved!
It cost God His best but for us it takes the will. You will receive that which He has laid out for you if you will in your heart to get it.